Va rog ajutati-ma!!!!

It was their 40 year wedding aniversary. Husband wanted to surprise his wife. So he's smart.
He knows that she likes history and takes her to a history tematic restaurant. A expensive one.
He tells her to wear yellow on the big day? Why? You will find out.
He takes her, it was 6 pm in his car, they go in and:
"Renaissance period marks the end of Middle Ages and the stars of modern worls. It was a period of big culurtal changes in Europe. Writers and artists rediscovered art and greek and romanian arhitecture, like the books wrote in greek and latin." Thats what a worker said. A young lady.
They go in, take a seat and a waiter comes in and: " Pietà, Michelangelo's work, is one of the most knowk works of Renaissance." And points at it with his finger.
They serve food cand come home with a good experience.