
3. Fill in /n/either, Inleither ... In/or where necessary.
_______of my friends can do this work today.
2. Nelly doesn't know all her relatives,______
does her sister.
3. Nick doesn't like this soup. I don't like it_________
Angela came to my place.
5. I think that_________
his mother__________
his father will help
him with this task.​

Răspuns :

1. Neither (sau none daca ai si optiunea asta)
2. Nor
3. Either
4. Neither Vanessa nor
5. Neither his mother nor his father


Fill in „neither”, „either”, "neither ... nor", "either ... or" where necessary.



1. Neither of my friends can do this work today.

Niciunul dintre prietenii mei nu poate face această lucrare astăzi.

2. Nelly doesn't know all her relatives, neither does her sister.

Nelly nu își cunoaște toate rudele și nici sora ei (nu le cunoaște).

3. Nick doesn't like this soup. I don't like it either.

Lui Nick nu-i place supa asta. Nici mie nu-mi place.

4. Neither Vanessa, nor Angela came to my place.

Nici Vanessa și nici Angela nu au venit la mine.

5. I think that neither his mother, nor his father will help him with this task.​

Cred că nici mama lui și nici tatăl lui nu îl vor ajuta cu această sarcină de lucru.

