Va rog din toata inima sa imi rezolvati daca puteti exercitiile. Dau coroana

1.i announced him that he was going to the movies.
2.the manager said that he need more time to solve the problem.
3.jhon affirmed that the students don't study as much as they should.
4. the teacher asked him what is he doing.
5. my mother wondered where am i going.
6. everyone wanted to know who is the winner of the game.
1.glenn said they had a lot of work to do last night.
2. his brother complained that the doghas been barking all night.
3. bill explained that he was busy in june. He was studying for his exams.
4. my father had no ideea why tha car was missing.
5.they asked my friend where did he brought the watch for.
6.i wondered who was the young man you were talking to.