
Create another world with talking animals and mythical creatures.Think about: its name,where it is, what animals are there,what they can do. Create an advertisement of your world. Present it to the class. Evaluate each group's presentation.

Vreau si eu niste idei pt ca nu am imaginația asa bogata)))))​

Răspuns :


Buna! Cum sa nu ai o imagiantie bogata, doar esti copil! Trebuie sa te gandesti cum ar fi sa te trezesti intr-un loc frumos, cu zane cu aripi, lupii ca si paznici, iepuri vorbitori care fac trucuri de magie, etc. Oricum, ti-am scris mai jos un model, ca sa ai din ce sa te inspiri!

Once upon a time, there was a place, named Callindia, where humans don't exist, but creatures and animals can speak, dance, and build castles from scratch. There were two castles, one for evil and one for good, each one having his own School Master.  In the good castle, creatures like rabbits, fairies, and ducks were learning how to be kind and respect each other and never hurt one another. But, on the other side, in the evil school, creatures like dragons, wolves, and spirits would learn how to curse, or even worse, to cast evil spells on each other. Between the two schools, there was a shield, that would protect each school student from the other part. But there was a place where you could sneak on the other side, without anyone to see or hear you. Nobody knew about that hole, except for two students, each one from the other side; Cattrilineva and Lollapadeculliden (inventeaza tu doua nume , daca acestea nu sunt pe placul tau). They knew each other from kindergarten when they used to be best friends, but then, somebody kidnapped them and took them to these two schools, where they had to live two separate lives. They were very upset because they couldn't see each other anymore, so they start searching for spells to break the shield. But they couldn't find anything in the libraries, so they start looking for a hole in the shield. So they found that little hole that nobody knew about, except for the two...  

So, on a beautiful Sunday, the two met at the hole, so that one of them could cross to the other side so that they could see each other again. What they didn't know was that if you go on the other side, the spell that protects the schools will be destroyed. When they finally got there, they ran to each other to hug, and the shield broke into a million pieces. The students started to fight and everything was destroyed until nothing was left. The two fairies were sent back to their village, and everybody from the school went home. To be continued...

Sper ca te-am ajutat! Seara frumoasa si te rog sa imi dai o coronita!Succes in continuare!
