
cine imi traduce in engleza va rog?
,, Acum exista multe universitati ,scoli la care adolescentii pot merge si sa aleaga ce loc de munca doresc.Chiar daca nu doresc sa faca o universitate pot sa opteze spre un loc de munca care nu cere ceva scoala.In trecut erau foarte putine persoane care faceau scoala datorita ca locuiau mai mult la sat .Ele puteau sa gaseasca atat de repede un job care sa le placa si care sa fie bine platit.

Răspuns :


Now there are many universities, schools where teenagers can go and choose what job they want. Even if they do not want to go to university they can opt for a job that does not require a school. In the past there were very few people who did school because they lived longer in the village. They could find a job so quickly that they liked it and that it was well paid.


"Now there are many universities, schools where teenagers can go and choose what job they want. Even if they do not want to go to university they can opt for a job that does not require a school. In the past there were very few people who went to school because they lived longer in the village. They could find a job so quickly that they liked it and that it was well paid.