
the interview and see if Chrys and
have answered your questions.Could you, please, introduce yourselves?
I was born in New York City. I have two brothers. They are both
younger than I am.
I was born in New York State in Rochester, near Syracuse. I also have
two brothers, both younger than I am. Christopher lives in California
and James lives in Kentucky. He works as a waiter in a restaurant
wer: Where did you study?
I went to Boston University.
I also went to Boston University. This is where Chrys and I met.
er And what would you like to do when you go back to America?
I want to continue my studies at a University.
I would like to study law and work as a lawyer.
wer: What did you like to do when you were twelve?
Let me see. I played soccer and basketball. I was also very good at
I played the clarinet and took ballet, music and figure skating classes.
vr: How did you get along with your brothers?
I played a lot with my brothers. Sometimes we had fights, though.
er: Which was your favourite holiday when you were at school?
Christmas. We stayed at home from school for two weeks. We
decorated the Christmas tree two weeks before the holiday. And the
presents stayed wrapped under the tree for two weeks. On Christmas
day we used to get up at five or six o'clock in the morning and rush
into the living room to unwrap our presents.
We also decorated the Christmas tree two weeks before Christmas, but
the presents came on Christmas night. de tradus repe ajutor dau coroana​

Răspuns :


Ati putea, va rog, sa va prezentati?

M-am nascut in New York. Am doi frati. Amandoi sunt mai tineri decat mine.

M-am nascut in New York State in Rochester, aproape de Syracuse. De asemenea, am doi frati, ambii mai tineri decat mine. Christopher traieste in California si James traieste in Kentucky. El lucreaza ca ospatar intr-un restaurant de acolo.

Unde ai invatat?

Am mers la Universitatea Boston.

Si eu am mers  la Universitatea Boston. Acolo Chrys si eu ne-am intalnit.

Si ce ai vrea sa faci cand te intorci in America?

Vreau sa-mi continui studiile la o Universitate.

As vrea sa studiez dreptul si sa lucrez ca avocat.

Ce iti placea sa faci cand aveai 12 ani?

Stai sa vad. Jucam fotbal si basketball. Eram, de asemenea, foarte bun la filmat.

Eu am cantat la clarinet si am luat lectii de balet, muzica si cursuri/clase de  patinaj artistic.

Cum te intelegeai cu fratii tai?

Ma jucam mult cu fratii mei. Uneori, totusi, aveam certuri.

Care era vacanta ta preferata cand erai la scoala?

Craciunul. Noi stateam acasa de la scoala pentru doua saptamani. Decoram bradul de Craciun doua saptamani inainte de sarbatoare. Si cadourile stateau impachetate sub brad pentru doua saptamani. In ziua de Craciun, noi obisnuiam sa ne trezim la 5 sau 6 dimineata si ne grabeam in sufragerie ca sa ne desfaceam cadourile.

Si noi decoram bradul de Craciun cu doua saptamani inainte de Craciun, dar cadourile veneau in seara de Craciun.