The Titanic sinked in 1912
Somebody stole my bicycle! Now I'll have to walk home
Gerry falled off his bike three times this month.
I saw the movie Totanic three times. I'm going to see it again tonight.
I walked to work every day for the last six weeks!
When she was young she lived in Seaul
Ouch! I cutted my finger!
I lost my key yesterday, so I couldn't get into the house. Eventually, I found it in my jacket pocket.
His brother visited London last year.
Jack lived in Boston for the past 15 years.
Janet worked for for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us.
Dad your reading the paper yet?
I would love to visit Progue sometime. Unfortunately, I was never there.
Peter played tennis for five years when he was at school.
Jane: Can you help me? I finished my homework, but I still don't understand number 7.
I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I eated already.
When Jack was at school, he learned to play saxophone. He played it ever since.
Asta-i tot ce pot, mă dor mâinile să tastez