
Dimineata la ora 10:00 am mâncat un sandvis cu sunca si cascaval.La prânz la ora 14:00 am mâncat supa de legume iar aapoi la ora 16:00 am mâncat un mar ca gustare.Seara la ora 19:00 am mâncat pui la cuptor.

Sâmbătă :
Dimineață la ora 10:30 am.mâncat omletă. Apoi un măr. La prânz la ora 15:00 am mâncat mâncare de cartof iar apoi la ora 17:00 am mâncat un baron de cereale ca gustare.Seara la ora 19:30 am mâncat peste la cuptor cu legume.La ora 20:30 am mâncat mango.

Dimineata la ora 10:30 am mâncat lapte cu cereale.Apoi o banana.La prânz la ora 14:30 am mâncat pizza si cartofi prăjiți. Apoi la ora 16:00 am mâncat kiwi iar după o ora am mancat portocală ca gustare.Seara la ora 19:30 am mâncat paste.Dupa o ora jumătate am mâncat o salată de fructe.

traducere va rog​

Răspuns :


Friday :

In the morning at 10:00 (ten am) i eated a cheese and ham sandwich.For lunch at 2:00 ( two pm) i had vegetable soup .At 4:00 (four pm) i had an apple for a snack .Then at 7:00 ( 7 pm) i had baked chicken

Saturday :

In the morning at 10:30 (ten thirthy am ) i had an egg omlette then an apple .At 3:00 (three pm) i had potato stue . At 5:00 ( 5 pm) i had a cereal bar for a snack . At 7:00 ( 7 pm) i had backed fish with vegetables . Then i eated a mango at 8:30 ( eight tirthy)

Sunday :

In the morning at 10:00 ( ten am ) i had milk and cereals then a banana .At 2:30 ( two tirthy pm ) i had pizza and french fries. At 4:00 (four pm) i had a kiwi and a orange for a snack . at 7:30 ( seven tirthy pm ) i had pasta . An hour and a half after i had a fruit salad .

Sper ca am ajutat ! ❤️