I am ready to perform my dance!
I am ready to perform my dance!That was an outstanding trick
I am ready to perform my dance!That was an outstanding trickShe has a beautiful tune
I am ready to perform my dance!That was an outstanding trickShe has a beautiful tuneLet's clap for this show
I am ready to perform my dance!That was an outstanding trickShe has a beautiful tuneLet's clap for this showLet's raise our hands up!
I am ready to perform my dance!That was an outstanding trickShe has a beautiful tuneLet's clap for this showLet's raise our hands up!I love this refreshment ( juice )
I am ready to perform my dance!That was an outstanding trickShe has a beautiful tuneLet's clap for this showLet's raise our hands up!I love this refreshment ( juice )Did you attend to your classes?
I am ready to perform my dance!That was an outstanding trickShe has a beautiful tuneLet's clap for this showLet's raise our hands up!I love this refreshment ( juice )Did you attend to your classes?Wow! look at this juggling!