Cine ma poate ajuta trebuie sa descriu ce face Stella în timpul zilei deasupra imaginilor scrie ce trebuie făcut va rog urgent dau coroana

Stella gets up at 6:30 AM. She then goes to the nursery school and arrives at 7:30 AM.She prepares breakfast,helps children brush their teeth and go to the toilet.Stella goes for a walk with the children and after the walk, she puts them in a circle,to learn a new song.Then,she lets the children's creativity come to life:she helps them draw pictures.At 1 PM the kids' mothers come to take their children home.After such a long day,Stella takes a nap to regain her energy.In the evening her mother wants to know what Stella didduring her working day.Here's what Stella told her mother.It is a lot like a military report:
,,Well,I got up at 6:30 AM and went to the Nursery school.I arrived at 7:30 and helped thw children go to the bathroom and brush thei teeth.After our morning routine we did some activities:we went for a walk and learned a new song and then I helped the kids draw pictures.They were all very creative.My favourite drawing was Amara's.She tried to draw the nursery school,her friends and me.I was delighted! At 1 PM, the kids' mothers came and took them home.Before they went home,the kids sang our new song to their mothers.Their reactions were priceless!After that I was kinda tired so I took a nap,and now I'm talking to you,mom."