
copy the table in your notebook and put a rock (✓) in the corect box.Then,Tell your Partner 7:00 am
get up ​

Copy The Table In Your Notebook And Put A Rock In The Corect BoxThenTell Your Partner 700 Am Get Up class=

Răspuns :


Aici depinde de ce alegi tu.

Ca exemplu, putem avea:

I always leave for school at 8:00 A.M.

I often have lunch at 1:30 P.M.

I usually do homework at 5:00 P.M.

I always have dinner at 7:00 P.M.

I often go to bed at 9:30 P.M.

Ideea pe care trebuie să o reții din acest exercițiu:

Adverbs of frequency(always, usually, often, sometimes...) se plasează mereu înaintea verbului de bază(to go/to buy/to make...).

❌ I buy always chocolates.

✅ I always buy chocolates.


I always get up at 7:00 Am

I often leave for school at 8 Am

I usually have launch at 1:30 pm

I always do my homework at 5:00 pm

i always have dinner at 7:00 pm

I often go to bed at 9:30 pm


Acesta este tipul de exercitiu in care trebuie sa spui ”informatii” despre tine,

ai un exemplu mai sus. Good luck and have a nice day!