
Imi trebuie un eseu in limba engleza despre ,,ce as face daca as castiga 10 milioane de euro, am nevoie de o introducere, cuprins si o încheiere (nu mare dar macar 7,8 propozitii) concluzie ,mulțumesc frumos pentru ajutor !​

Răspuns :


If I were to win 10 milion euros this is what I would do.

First and first I would but myself a mansion so I can live with my family,next I would donate 1 million to the poor ones, then I would go on a vacation to _____(unde ai vrea tu sa mergi) with my family so we can enjoy a relaxing 1 or 2 weeks. I would have the best life ever! And of course to remind everybody, money cant buy happinnes!

            And that is what I would do.

Explicație: Nu stiu daca e destul,daca nu zimi ca sa pot adauga