Dau coroanaaa!!!!!!!!

Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games, which can have a bunch of negative impacts, and affect their daily life.
First of all, nowadays, kids started playing online games at a young age, taking up their time and affecting their brain with radiations emitted by the electronics. Also it is very bad that some children play online multiplayer games with older people, who are a bad influence, teaching them how to swear, for example.
Secondly, this addicting problem is also present at teenagers and young-adults, who just can't take their hands of the computer, playing games, simply browsing on the internet or scrolling on social media, which only represents a waste of time in which they could've done something more productive.
What can be done to minimize these bad effects? Well for starters, the parents of the kids who are addicted to a computer, can make their children go outside, meet new people, or make them play sports, or taking up art lessons, learning to play an instrument, or a new language. These are some alternatives for the young children who only stay in front of a computer all day.