
Va roggg repede sau pe mâine o compunere de 3 -4 rânduri despre cum te-ai simțit când ai fost la un concert la care cânta un cântăreț sau idolul tau
plsss repede trebuie sa o pun pe classrom la ora 13:00

Dau 25 puncte + coroana
Este pt Engleză!!!!​

Răspuns :


I was walking around in my city and then i seen a poster that says get tickets to (pui tu un nume de actor) and i got to the shop to get the tickets and i got the last one

The other night i got to the concert and it was very cool

I made a photo with (actorul tou pref)

It was the best night ever


Cu placere daca e mai schimba ceva


Heyaa! I walk around whit my best friends and we get tickets to (actorul tau pref :) ) When we arive at concert it was so cool! We had much fun! We took a picture whit (actorul tau pref :) ) tho! I will never forget the moment we had togheter! We get home and i start write everything in my journal. Sper ca te-am ajutat! =)