
E O comentarii de la curs
Write sentences filling in the gaps.
Find a beautiful picture of nature and write 50 words
about the picture giving arguments why you have
chosen that picture. Give a title to the picture.
2020_09_22 17_28 Office Lens (30).jpg

Răspuns :

The Faces of Nature is a labor of love which started many years ago while I was walking my dog Rosie. It is a unique look at all the little things around us that are part of everyday life – a tree branch, a rock, a leaf, a piece of wood – all the things we probably pass by, never giving them a second thought. It has been my strange and wonderful experience that all of these things are alive and might very well be looking back at us. In these high-tech times, it’s more important than ever to go beyond the idea that nature is merely “background” in our lives. If you take a closer look, you will see many faces in nature. It’s a reminder that we are connected to every living thing that surrounds us and that we need to stop and take time to notice and enjoy. There are millions upon millions of faces to be seen if you look for them.

One can enjoy the beauties of nature in an abundant measure at a hill station. The floating clouds, the dancing springs, the winding rivulets, the all pervading multicolor flowers, emitting sweet, soothing smell, the trees standing like sentinels with birds singing sweet harmonious songs in their branches, the cool breeze, the humming bees, the delicious fruits- all cater to human senses. Beauty lies in the eyes of the be­holder on the earth, in the air, in the sky and in the ocean. His heart leaps up when he beholds a rainbow in the sky.
Nature teaches man the lesson of peace, innocence, purity, love, harmony, simplic­ity, hope and faith in the glory of God. Wordsworth believes that nature is the great­est store-house of wisdom, apart from being a source of eternal happiness.

alegi un text din astea doua.Si poti pune titlul”Beauties of nature”