
Answer the following questions.
a. In what way do birthdays for children in the United States diff er
from those in Moldova?
b. How did the author of the text describe the party?
c. What was the purpose of the party?
d. How important is food for Moldovan celebrations? What kinds
of food are prepared?

Danny Turns Four by Tim Schneider
I’ll never forget the fi rst birthday party I was invited to in Moldova.
It was in spring and, my good friends Andrei and his wife Olea invited
me to the forest to celebrate the birthday of their son Danic. I wasn’t
sure what to bring as a gift , or what to expect at the party.
I thought immediately of the birthday parties for children in the
United States that are usually full of family members and other kids the
same age. Th ere are generally games and entertainment for children,
and everybody sings Happy Birthday to the child as he blows out his
or her candles and makes a big wish for the coming year. Th en, of
course, the child rips open his presents while everyone watches and
comments on how fun the gift s are or how cute they are. Pictures
are taken and everyone wishes the child lots of love and luck for the
coming year.
But, in Moldova, it was really diff erent. I was told that I didn’t
have to bring anything for the birthday boy. Of course, I did bring
something, but I was the only one. (I found out later that the other
adults gave Danny his gift s directly at his house.) What was the most
surprising is that the day was more of a celebration for Danny’s parents
who bought all the food and supplies for our outdoor barbecue. Of
course, Danny was there, and there was a clown who performed magic
tricks for the kids who were also there. But aft er about 2 hours, all the
children were shepherded away to their various homes and Danny to
his grandparents.
Th e men stood around the fi re while delicious meats were cooked, discussing recent events, the cost of meat
and vegetables, politics and telling each other funny stories and jokes. Th ey drank beer and gave frequent toasts
to Danny’s health and happiness and to the health of his parents. Th e women sat at the nearby picnic tables,
discussing their children, their work and life in general while laughing and enjoying each other’s company.
Later, aft er an amazing dinner of barbecued pork and chicken, salads of all sorts, fresh vegetables and fruits,
and lots of fresh breads, we (the adults) played charades and other fun party games.
In short, it was a wonderful day that I won’t ever forget; partly because everyone was so welcoming and
wonderful to me, partly because it was so much fun and I met so many incredible people who would become
some of my best friends here in Moldova, and partly because it was diff erent from any child’s birthday party
that I had been to in the past. Th is was a party for the community to celebrate Danny’s life, and the lives of his

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