ajutor engleza dau coroana și 5 stele și o inimă coroana o dau când mă lasă

1 do you go shopping on Sundays?
2 Does the cat sleep on the sofa?
3 Do the students come to school
4 Do your best friend live near you
5 Do the girls play football
6 Do we have lunch at 1 oclock
7 Do they go blowling on Saturdays
1. Do you go shopping on Sundays?
2.Does the cat sleep on the sofa?
3.Do the students come to school by bus ?
4.Do you live near your best friend
5.Do the girls play football?
6.Do we have lunch at 1 o'clock?
7.Do they go bowling on Saturdays?
ajuta-ma si pe mine la biologie te rog!