ma poate ajuta cineva?

1) Yes, the rules were different for boys and girls in ancient Grecee because the greek boys were allowed to go to school while greek girls stayed at home and learned how to cook and weave with their mothers. Nowdays there's not as much different rules for girls, the girls being allowed to go to school with boys, now.
2) The Aztecs boys learned how to fish and farm at home and the Aztecs girls learned homemaking skills. I think that the today homeschooling is a better mode of learning different information about different subjects and I also think that learning at home would change rules at home would change rules in my family because my parents would get to spend a lot more time with me and get to know me better.
3) a) Understand your family members.
b) Be calm and handle sittuations in a mature way.
c) Take interest in the other family members interests.