ma ajutați?va rog

A color- red (roșu)
A number- 2 two (doi)
A planet- Mars (Marte)
A weapon- sword (sabie)
A rodent- squirrel (veverița)
Something you drink- water(apă)
Something you wear- dress(rochie)/ t-shirt (tricou)
What you chew with- teeth (dinți)
What a squirrel eats- nuts (alune)
A game kids play- Hide and seek(de-a v-ați ascunselea)
A place to act- stage(scenă)
A place to drive- road (drum)
Dirty old torn clothes- aici nu știu,scuze:(
The opposite of this- that (aia)
The opposite of here- there(acolo)
The opposite of those- these(acestea)
The opposite of messy- tidy (ordonat)
The opposite of love- hate(ură)
The opposite of west- east(est)
The opening in a fence- nici aici nu îmi dau seama:/
Very,very good- great(minunat)
Another word for begin- to start (a începe)
Another word for country- village (sat)/ states (state)
Three of your senses- touch (atingere), sight (vedere), taste(gust)
A verb, both past and present- read(a Citi)
To look at for a long time- to watch (a privi)