
Now in front of the Beast, she is weeping, saying
that she loves him. Her tears turn the Beast into a
handsome prince. The prince thanks Beauty, as his
awful spell is now broken by the power of her true
love. He asks Beauty to marry him.
Beauty and the prince are married and they live
happily ever after. va rog vreau traducere​

Răspuns :

Aflandu-se in fata Bestiei, ea plangea, spunand ca il iubeste. Lacrimile ei au transformat Bestia intr-un print fermecator. Printul ii multumi Frumoasei, deoarece vraja ingrozitoare era acum desfacuta de puterea iubirii ei adevarate. El o cere pe Frumoasă în căsătorie. Frumoasa si printul sunt casatoriti si traiesc fericiti pana la adanci batraneti.