Dau Coroana!
Vă roooooog!

4.Talk with your friends.
A:Look at the monkeys.What are they doing?
B:They're dancing.
A:Look at the elefants.What are they doing?
B:They're playing at the piano.
A:Look at the crocodiles.What are they doing?
B:They're talking.
•.•.•Sper că te-am ajutat!•.•.•
B: Look at the yellow monkeys, what are they doing?
A: They are dancing.
B: What about the green frogs (nu stiu daca sunt broaște nu se vede bine), tell me what they are doing.
A: They are also dancing, but they are not making any contact unlike the monkeys.
B: Can you see the elegant at the blue piano?
A: Yes.
B: What are they doing?
A: They are singing.