
Scrie un text in engleza in care sa argumentezi de ce este bine sa merge cu masina si nu este bine sa mergi cu motocicleta​

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For exemple if you’re going on a trip with three or more people, you’ll likely be able to save a significant amount of money if you choose to drive a car instead a motocycle.

One of the best parts of road tripping by car  is all the great scenery you can see along the way.

Flexibility is one of the biggest advantage of travelling by car. You can stop as much as you like, drive at your own way, and simply enjoy the freedom of a road trip.

And  not forget that your beloved pets can join you if you choose this mode of transport.

A better view is another great benefit of travelling by car. When you travel by motocycle your view is limited first of all by speed.

And you will always be able to stop and take some pictures, too. So the view from the window is a huge plus.

Another disadvantage of travelling by motocycle is that bad weather can have a serious impact on your trip. Rain, snow and storms can all change driving conditions and might even ruin your whole road trip if you’re not prepared.
