
cine imi traduce in engleza fara google translate?
Am intrebat-o cum poate sa mi dea un asemenea sfat ,cum ar putea sa stea lângă mine dacă as minți intr-o ocazie atat de grava luând o hotărâre necinstita care ar putea sa trimita altii oamenii la moarte ,sa i nenoroceasca.
Cum iti inchipui,a strigat ,cum iti inchipui tu ca tu hotărăști ca din cauza ta și a hotărârii tale a ceea ce vei spune tu ,nu vezi ca totul este hotărât încă de pe acum ?Ca tu ești decât o unealta si vor găsi alta.Nu poți sa te distrugi si pe tine și pe mine gratuit fără sa schimbi nimic absolut nimic.​

Răspuns :

[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: hello[/tex]

I asked her how she could give me such advice, how she could stand by me if I lied on such a serious occasion by making a dishonest decision that could send other people to their deaths, woe to them.

I asked her how she could give me such advice, how she could stand by me if I lied on such a serious occasion by making a dishonest decision that could send other people to their deaths, woe to them. How do you imagine, he shouted, how do you imagine that you decide that because of you and your decision of what you will say, do you not see that everything is decided from now on? That you are just a tool and they will find another .You can't destroy yourself and me for free without changing anything at all.

I hope I helped you!




I asked her how she could give me such advice, how she could stand by me if I lied on such a serious occasion by making a dishonest decision that could send other people to their deaths, woe to them.

How do you imagine, he shouted, how do you imagine that you decide that because of you and your decision of what you will say, do you not see that everything is decided from now on? That you are only one tool and they will find another. You cannot destroy yourself and me for free without changing anything at all.