1 end up deep in (4) Complete the following text with alan, the or () when no article is needed (15 points) post people would agree that (1) veling abroad But (3) ... main problem with them is that some people overuse them and eventually - emergency or when going to pay it off Firstly, you need to make (5) requred each month. Examine your daily routine, there must be (7) minimum lew sacrifices you can make carefully too and make sure that you pay off (10) And in future? If you think that there is (12) highest interest rate first chance that your spending will get out of (13) control again, perhaps you should cut (14) ........ credit cards up. After all , living without them s probably credit cards can be invaluable in (2) debt if you find yourself in this situation, it is important to plan how you are real citon to pay more than (6) sandwiches to (9) .... work, for example, instead of eating out. Look at your debts no one with (11) pe (8) fear of those bills every month, better than living in (15)​