
Tradiții sau obiceiuri la o nuntă din alta tara

Răspuns :

Spargerea farfuriilor în Grecia

Turkish wedding tradition.

1. Henna/Kina night:
The ‘henna’ or ‘kina’ night is a smaller celebration that takes place a week or two weeks before the wedding. The bride dresses in a gown of her choice (usually red) and celebrates with her female friends and family. Later in the evening, she then changes into a traditional outfit called a bindalli. The groom and his friends also arrive during this time and prepare themselves for the entry. The bride and groom enter to a slow traditional song as young, single women hold candles and walk in-front of them. They then walk in a circle three times and are seated. An elder of the group commences the henna ceremony by placing henna onto the bride and grooms palms, however in order to open their closed fists the in laws have to resent a gold coin.
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