
Ma poate ajuta cineva cu un text in engleza, in care sa descriu casa visurilor mele, in care as vrea sa locuiesc. Nu vreau o casa extravaganta ceva simplu. Nu imi trebuie multe randuri 6-8 sunt de ajuns. Daca aveti vreo nelamurire varog sa ma intrebati.

Răspuns :

All my life i have dreamed at a house.In my imagine is a small house with big windows and white doors.i would love to live there and when i wake up to have some birds because i love pets like in cinderella.when i will go in the kitchen on the table to be a cup with coffe and some biscuits.in the yard to be a white swing (leagăn)and some flowers on the windowsill.

It will be amasing to live there and to have some funny neighborhood of course!