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Our desire for happiness has helped us to develop a real industry. Janet wants to know why and we are learning to discover happiness. At first they were a group that talked about happiness until they began to realize that they were being listened to and changing things. at first he did not accept that he was wrong and so he thought that he did not deserve success and success. everything changed when she allowed herself to be more tolerant and accept life and she herself changed things. He learned from other people and then decided to help others. If he were to advise us, he would tell us to be a little more lenient with us and to reward ourselves, to think positively so that good things can happen to us.
Dorinta noastra pt fericire ne-a ajutat sa dezvoltam o adevarata industrie. Janet vrea sa stie de ce si invatam sa descoperim inceput erau un grup care vorbeau despre fericire pana au inceput sa realizeze ca erau ascultati si schimbau lucruri. la inceput nu accepta ca a gresit si astfl se gandea ca nu merita succesul si reusita. totul s a schimbat cand si-a permis sa fie mai ingaduitoare si sa accepte viata si a schimbat chiar ea lucruri. A invatat si de la alti oameni apoi s-a hotarat sa ii ajute si pe altii. Daca ar fi sa ne sfatuiasca ne-ar spune sa fim putin mai ingaduitori cu noi si sa ne recompensam, sa gandim pozitiv ca sa ni se intample lucruri bune.