mai sunt inca 2 imagini care le voi posta daca ma ajutati dau coroana

A doua imagine:
THIS STRANGE AND SINISTER JADE mask was discovered by archeologists excavating a tomb in the ruins of the ancient city of Monte Alban, once the heart of the powerful Zapotec civilization. Although some scholarly disagreement remains as to what purpose this mask served, it is overwhelmingly acknowledged that it portrays a bat.
It’s believed the mask was created between 100 BC and 200 AD at the height of Monte Alban’s dominance of the region. It’s made out of 25 pieces of jade, a green stone highly valued to Mesoamerican civilizations, with yellow, piercing eyes made from shell fragments. Now on display at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, it is known as the mask of the Zapotec bat god.
Prima imagine:
Ahmose-Meritamun: Queen of Egypt during the early Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. She was the sister and the Great Royal Wife of the second king of this dynasty, Amenhotep I and, therefore, daughter of Pharaoh Ahmose I and Queen Ahmose-Nefertari.
It seems that she had some older sisters, but none of them would marry their brother because they died before he assumed the throne.
Ahmose-Meritamun held the position of God’s wife and was the eternal and silent companion of her husband, but, unfortunately for her, she could not bring into the world any known offspring that reached adulthood and could succeed their father.