
La engleză am temă să scriu despre filmul preferat. Dar nu am un film preferat. Ce scriu?

Răspuns :

Ei bine poti cauta pe net un film (pe care lai vazut tu)si sa scri despre ce e povestit in film ...si cine e regizorul.

La sfârșit poti sa spui de ce ti-a plăcut la acel film .


Coroana ?❤️


My favorite movie is called "Definitely Maybe". It's about a divorced man who explain to his daughter the story of how he met her mother. But, the story involves other women too, and the father doesn't tell his daughter which of the lady protagonists is her mom. In doing so, he gives each of them a fake name: April, Emily and Summer. It turns out that the mother was Emily all along, but Will, the father, is in love with one of the other two women: April. The two of them end up together, so the movie has a happy ending.


Nici eu nu am un film preferat, dar acesta este cu siguranță unul reușit, pe care t-il recomand(dacă ești fata, băieților nu prea le plac filmele romantice).