
Describing a person
1 Introduction
- short info about who the person is how/where you met her, /how you heard about her/him
2. Main body
-physical appearance: height/built/age/ facial features/hair/ clothing.
-personality and behaviour:ex: sociable/funny/ easy-going/ friendly/ loyal etc
-lifestyle and beliefs:interests, hobbies/opinions.
3 Conclusion
- comment why you are interested în this person, express your feelings for her/him,why she/he made such a strong impression on you.
Paragrafe distincte
Multe adjective deosebite
Dați exemple ca să justificați descrierea
Folosiți timpul prezent dacă este vorba de o persoana în viață și Paște tense dacă e o personalitate din trecut.
Va rog frumos!!!

Răspuns :


It was a normal day, I have a school and on the way I meet a neighbor. He was sitting on the bench, quiet, as if knowing I was going to come, he greeted me and told me that I had my backpack open, I sat down next to him and closing it he told me that in his time there were no such backpacks, the old ones had different locks. He also told me about his time, when he was young, tall and chestnut, now that he has induldered he has changed like any man who is in the middle of his life. I realized it was

I realized that he is a man who lives in the past, white and unkempt hair, old-fashioned clothes, looked like he became a man with more experience in life, but at the same time a sad man with few feelings