Traduceti punctul a) in engleză și punctul b) in romană!! Va rog dau coroana,repdeeee va rogg!!!

a) I live in Mangalia. In my city there are many shops, restaurants, parks and churches. There are also bakeries and butchers. There is a road in front of my block, and there are many cars behind the block. Opposite the bank, right next to the park, is my school. And my neighbor is studying there. I am 10 years old and he is 12 years old
b) Nu te juca niciodată pe stradă! Nu traversați drumul până nu este sigur! Treceți, nu fugiți niciodată și priviți în ambele părți Folosiți Codul Crucii Verde când traversați drumul!
Îmi dai coroana?
a) I live in Mangalia. In my city there are a lot of shops, restaurants, parks and churches. Thete are also bakeries and butchers.
In the front of my block there is a street, and in the back of my block there are a lot of cars. Opossite the bank, right next to the park, there is my school. My neighbour also learns there.
I am ten years old and he is twelve.
b) Nu te juca niciodata pe strada! Nu traversa drumul pana nu e in siguranta! Mergi, nu alerga niciodata si uita-te in ambele directii! Foloseste Codul Verde de Traversare cand traversezi strada!