
3 Underline and correct one mistake in each sentence. 1 We don't eat always in the dining room.2 Hello, I call to ask if you want to go out tonight. 3 Why do you stand here in the rain at this time of nigh 4 I'm tired usually in the morning. 5 I'm never believing anything my brother tells me. 6 l every day make my own bed. 7 How do you often have a bath? 8 I get normally home at about half past five.​

Răspuns :

  1. We don't ALWAYS EAT in the dinning room. (adverbul de frecventa nu este plasat corespunzator)
  2. Hello, I AM CALLING to ask if you want to go out tonight. (timpul corect al verbului "to call" este present continuous in situatia data, nu present simple)
  3. Why ARE YOU STANDING here in the rain at this time of night? (explicatia este aceeasi ca la punctul precedent; actiunea se refera la momentul actual, nu la modul general)
  4. I'm USUALLY TIRED in the morning. (la fel ca la pct 1)
  5. I NEVER BELIEVE anything my brother tells me. (este ceva la modul general, deci se foloseste present simple nu present continuous ca in enuntul original)
  6. I make my own bed EVERY DAY SAU Every day, I make my own bed. (adverbul de frecventa every day poate fi plasat fie la sfarsitul propozitiei, fie la inceput dar urmat de virgula)
  7. How OFTEN do you have a bath? (la fel ca la pct 1)
  8. I NORMALLY get home at about half past five. (la fel ca la pct 1)