
2 Write the sentences in your notebook completing
them with has got or have got. What animal is it?
1 1... a small head, small ears and short hair.
2 My cousin is the dromedary. It ... one hump.
3 1... two humps.

4 My relatives are llamas and alpacas but they ...
long hair.
5 In our family,
we ... long necks and long legs.
2 Read the fact file and correct the sentences using

Va rog sa-l traduceți în Română.

2 Write The Sentences In Your Notebook Completing Them With Has Got Or Have Got What Animal Is It 1 1 A Small Head Small Ears And Short Hair 2 My Cousin Is The class=

Răspuns :


1. I have got small head, small ears and short hair.

2. My cousin is the dromedary. It has got one hump.

3. I have got two humps.

4. My realtives are Ilamas and alpacas but they has got long hair.

5. In our family, we has got long necks and long legs.


1. Eu am mâini mici, urechi mici și păr scurt.

2. Verișorul meu este dromader. Are o cocoașă.

3. Am două cocoașe.

4. Rudele mele sunt lame și alpaca, dar au parul lung.

5. În familia noastră, noi avem gât lung și picioare lungi.