Write an informal letter to your classamte (mine is a boy) telling him your news.(80-100 words) Use this letter as model

Dear *classmate's name*,
Good morning! *city name|sunny/windy/cloudy*
I'm really tired I must tell you , this week has been so stressful ! school feels like a hassle and I can barely keep up with my homework , but I need to learn and pay attention to the teachers ,don't you agree ? Doesn't school make you feel this way too ? I hadn't done a lot of things this week , mainly school , I did go out shopping with my mum once for clothes though , so it was a nice break .not that we can do a lot with the state that the world is in right now .
this weekend I plan to watch a few movies , nothing in mind right now , but anything is good , maybe play some games as well.
Goodbye , yours truly
*your name*