
Traduce compunerea din romana in engleza:
La marginea orasului era o fetita pe nume Olivia. ea era foarte organizata si gata pentru orice.
Ea avea la ea urmatoarele lucruri: o brișcă, un elastic, agrafe pentru hartie, o franghie si un carnetel. Avea panglici in par si avea grija ca sireturile ei sa fie legate intotdeauna. Ea mergea tot timpul pe trotuar, niciodata pe bordura.
Olivia se ducea in fiecare zi la biblioteca si citea cartile ei preferate. Cand ajunge acasa isi punea haina in cuier. Isi lua o cratita pentru a-si incalzi supa. Cand era nevoie, arunca gunoiul in tomberon, Seara, ea si cu parintii sai stateau in jurul semineului si-si spuneau ce li s-a intamplat in acea zi.
In fiecare saptamana, Olivia le trimitea bunicilor o scrisoare intr-un plic cu multe timbre.
Olivia era o fetita cuminte.

Răspuns :

On the outskirts of town was a little girl named Olivia. She was very organized and ready for anything.

was very organized and ready for anything.She had at her the following: a loaf of bread, an elastic band, paper clips, a rope and a notebook. She had ribbons in her hair and made sure her laces were always tied. She always walked on the sidewalk, never on the curb.

the following: a loaf of bread, an elastic band, paper clips, a rope and a notebook. She had ribbons in her hair and made sure her laces were always tied. She always walked on the sidewalk, never on the curb.Olivia went to the library every day and read her favorite books. When she got home she would hang her coat. She took a saucepan to heat her soup. When needed, she would throw the trash in the trash. In the evening, she and her parents would sit around the fireplace and tell each other what had happened to them that day.

soup. When needed, she would throw the trash in the trash. In the evening, she and her parents would sit around the fireplace and tell each other what had happened to them that day.Every week, Olivia would send a letter to her grandparents in an envelope with many stamps.

soup. When needed, she would throw the trash in the trash. In the evening, she and her parents would sit around the fireplace and tell each other what had happened to them that day.Every week, Olivia would send a letter to her grandparents in an envelope with many stamps.Olivia was a good girl.