
scrieți un scurt text in care sa iti descrii prietenul. În engleză​

Răspuns :


My best friend's name is X. I've known X since I was a kid. We played in the park every day, climbed trees, shared colored pencils in kindergarten, and had fun sliding on the slide. And now our friendship has remained as united as ever. We spend most of our time together, we go to the movies weekly, we go for walks in the park, we play video games, we give each other advice, we do school projects together and most importantly: we are fair and loyal. Loyalty is a very important quality in a friendship, I think. X is very loyal and fair. That's how a good friendship works, we learn from mistakes and we get better every day.


În limba română :

Cel mai bun prieten al meu este Scooby. El este un cățel . Mă joc mereu cu el ; ceea ce ne place foarte mult : și mie și lui. Când plec la școală el vine după mine la poartă și se uită cu o privire insistentă la mine ca să nu plec.

Îl iubesc foarte mult !

În limba engleză:

My best friend is Scooby. He is a puppy. I always play with him, which we really like: me and him. When I go to school he comes after me at the gate and looks at me insistently so that I don't leave.

I love him very much!