
poday Es Den
1. This is
CD IVe ever listened. (bad)
12 English is
Japanese (easy)
13. Which mountain ts
in the world, thigh)
14-John is
his brother. (cever),
15.- English is
Latin Lusefut)
16. What is
word in English common)
17.- The Niels
Hver in the world. (long)
18. This is my
brother Mary is their
daughter ioid, old)
19 - That skyscraper is one of
bulldings in the
city (tall)
20. The first exercise was easy but this one is
21 -Our journey took
we expected. (long)
22. Charles is
student in the school. (noisy)
23. Madrid's population is
Sertander's (Large)
24.- Nothing makes me
waiting on the phone. (angry
25. Five years ago I was
I am now, and I had
hair (fat, log)
26. This car uses
petrol it's
(much, little)
27- Spanish is
difficult to learn than Chinese fitte
hotel in Santander (expensive)
23 - How much
are we going? (ter)
30 i haven't got many CDs You've got
I have. (many)
31. Everyone has heard of leal Madrid. They are probably
team in the world (fattous)
32 - The cheetah is
anal in the should
33 - Barcelona's stadium g new
stadiunr in Europe. (modern)(PLSS AJUTOR NU POT FACE CHESTiA ASTA)​

Poday Es Denye1 This IsCD IVe Ever Listened Bad12 English IsJapanese Easy13 Which Mountain Tsin The World Thigh14John Ishis Brother Cever15 English IsLatin Luse class=

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