Am nevoie de ajutor!! Dau Coroana!

Hi Andrew, yesterday I watched an action film was about a thief who left a diamond in a ventilation system,before he was caught by the police he let the police to arrest him after he didn't want to say any word to the police so he was convict to five years of prison after 2 years he planned an escape plan, he succeeded but when he went to the ventilation system he didn't find the diamond he was scared but he thought to do a plan he wanted to change his face and his identity so he went to an old friend who waa doing ilegal document and very good makeoups for face he was change his identity and his face so he wanted to go to the police station and try to get an detective job or policeman job, he was doing the police training for five mouths he succed and he started to watch on cameras to put questions to people abaout that location but he didn't get any answer but in a day he watched on a camera of that building and he seened someone who was going in that ventilation system and put a box in a very small hole he goes to see what is in that box and he seened an paper on witch it was written "i have your diamond" and on the back of the paper was written an address he went to that address and found a building when he entered a guy put an gun at his head and sayed"did you have any gun" he sayed no but had an police radio , that guy sayed to him to stay down he get on a chair and that guy too that guy showed the diamond when the main character see that he just turn on the radio cause he wanted the police to come in after five minutes the police arrived they get in that building and rush that room the guy get his hand up and the diamond fell under the table the character get it and run away in a police car he wanted to cross the border to Mexico cause there the American police didn't have any rights to arrest him at the border an police man appeard when the character saw the policeman he just get out of his car and snuck in to the other side of border he succed and from there the American police didn't have what to do the character get a car from a parking and started a new life and there the film was over. I sugest you to watch that film Andrew now i need to go bye.