read the article again. Underline a,an,the and the nouns these articles are with. Circle the nouns with no article. Complete the rule with a , an, the or - ( no article). Rog urgent dau coronița.

Rule: We use:
'A' or “an” + a singular countable noun when the listener/reader doesn't know exactly which thing we are talking about.
You can have “an” apple or “a” banana.
We've got “a“new car.
“The” + noun when it is clear which thing(s) or person/people we are talking about.
“The” apples I'm earting now is from our garden.
“The” bananas that I bought yesterday are horrible.
“ ” + plural countable noun or “ “+ uncountable noun, when we are talking about things in general.
Bananas “are” sweeter than apples.
Chocolate “isn't” good for you.
Doctors “have” got a difficult job.
Regula: Folosim:
"Un" sau "O" + un substantiv singular cand ascultatorul/cititorul nu stie exact despre ce obiect se vorbeste (Un/O articol nehotarat)
Poti avea "un" mar sau "o" banana.
Avem "o" masina noua.
"the" + substantiv, atunci cand e clar despre care obiect sau persoana este vorba. Se numeste articol hotarat iar in limba romana, articolul hotarat este in cuvant, la sfarsitul cuvantului- exemplu: O casa (articol nehotarat) - Casa (articol hotarat... fiindca e casa aceea * a mea, a ta etc.)
Merele ce le mananc acum sunt din gradina noastra.
Bananele ce le-am cumparat ieri sunt oribile.
Ultima nu stiu sa ti-o explic dar are legatura cu atunci cand se vorbeste la general.
Bananele sunt mai dulci ca merele.
Ciocolata nu este buna pentru tine. (ciocolata in general)
Doctorii au o munca dificila. (Doctorii in general)